Internship Module 3 Entry
As an immigrant and a member of Generation X, one of my traits I pride myself with having is my adaptability, which also applies as one of my professional skills. I have been able to adapt and overcome any sudden changes in previous work environments that were not part of the planned scenarios. Strong communication and being able to think quickly on my feet have served me well to also overcome difficult situations to manage snags in the plan during work events.
These would also tie into my professional IT strengths, since it is already some of what I am observing and learning while serving my internship with C4. I already see how Todd demonstrates how a server alert’s specific message requires a specific action to fix the problem. Each client has unique needs, so each server is configured differently thus requiring different actions when problems arise.
I came across a wonderful quote that I think applies to anyone in the position of learning to grow. Sonya Renee Taylor says “An acorn does not have to say, ‘I intend to become an oak tree’. Natural intelligence intends that every living thing become the highest form of itself and designs us accordingly” (2018). One immediate future goal is obviously to find a job that will utilize the skills I have learned during my years at Olympic College that will help me grow as an IT professional with the intention of developing my skills further. This is so that in the next 5-10 years from entering the IT work force, I will have gained even more skills and experience and hopefully climbed the ladder either in the same organization or made a jump to a new employment with my higher set of skills. Another set of goals for after entering the workforce would be to continue to gain necessary certifications for proving that I do have those skills. Not only will that help me add to the knowledge, but then I will be able to take that to my future employer for proof of development.
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