Module 4: Internship journey
Write a journal entry that addresses how you plan to implement or have implemented the internship. During the Fall quarter, the night internships were brought up I was not present in the lab since I had stayed home due to a cold. I had missed the important speaking parts of the internship discussion, and also missed the opportunity to ask questions as I normally would have done. However, since Stephen Foster was present during that night, I asked him about it the next day while we were waiting for others to join the class. He mentioned that he knew of an internship opportunity with Todd Stablefeldt and would initiate contact with him. Thanks to Stephen I was able to connect with Todd to set up a Zoom session/interview with him. During our initial Zoom session, Todd shared his company’s story and his personal journey of how his company C4 Database Management came to be. I was really impressed with his story of how he got to where he is, and figured ...